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Writer's pictureSMART Vegan

What is Animal Flesh Doing Inside Your Body?

Yes, animal flesh is decaying and decomposing inside of your body.

(Warning: This article has graphic images)

When you consume animal flesh, it goes through a process called putrefaction inside of your intestinal tract. Putrefaction is the decaying of flesh. The decaying process causes acidosis inside of the body leading to parasites, mutated cells, and plaque build-up inside the arteries. Parasites begin to multiply and triple by the second while your body is trying to figure out whether to digest, store or absorb. It's not you craving mucus-forming foods, it's the evil parasites lurking inside of you.

Decomposition of a corpse is a continual process that can take anywhere from a few weeks to years, depending on the environment. No matter how long the process takes, every animal that once lived has to decompose and with the consumption of these animals, that process takes place inside of your gut. To illustrate this process, baby piglets donated to science were used as a reference to show how decaying works. Piglets are used because a 40kg (88lb) pig resembles a human body in its fat distribution, cover or hair, and ability to attract insects. And according to the Journal of Forensic Sciences, these factors make pigs the next best things to humans when it comes to understanding the process of decay of the human body. Besides, many Americans love pork so what better animal to display since pork lies in the guts of millions of humans on the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

Stage 1: Live Pig

A living pig is not outwardly decomposing, but its intestine contains a diversity of bacteria, nematodes, and protozoans. Most of these microorganisms are ready for a new life, should the pig die and lose its ability to keep them under control.

Stage 2: Initial Decay (0-3 Days After Death)

On the surface, the body may appear fresh, but that same bacteria that was inside the pig's intestine while the pig was still alive, has begun to digest the intestine itself. After the bacteria has digested the intestines, it then begins to digest the surrounding internal organs. The body's digestive enzymes spread throughout the body as well, which contributes to its decomposition. Each cell in the body has its own individual enzymes that are released once the cell dies to help break down the cell and its connections with other cells. While this is happening, flies have begun to surround the body. This happens from the moment of death. Without the normal defenses of a living animal, blowflies and houseflies are able to lay eggs around natural body openings and wounds. These eggs hatch and move into the body, often within 24 hours. From egg to maggot, to fly, the life cycle takes anywhere from two to three weeks but it can be considerably longer at low temperatures.

Stage 3: Putrefaction (4-10 days after death)

Fluids are released into body cavities as bacteria continue to break down tissues and cells. They often breathe in the absence of oxygen and produce various gases such as hydrogen sulfide, cadaverine, methane, and putrescine as by-products. (Side Note: The same gases and smells being produced by the decomposing body are the reason why when we emit gas or fart, it has a terrible smell.) Although we as humans find this particular smell to be rancid, insects find it to be very attractive. This build-up of gas resulting from the extensive amount of multiplying bacteria creates pressure within the body causing it to inflate. This inflation forces fluids out of cells and blood vessels and into the body cavity.

While this is happening, the young maggots are spreading bacteria, tearing tissues with their mouth hooks, and secreting digestive enzymes while moving throughout the body. They move together is massive groups benefitting from communal heat and shared digestive secretions. The decay rate increases and the smells terminating from the body are attracting more blowflies, beetles, flesh flies, and mites. These later arriving beetles and flies are predators that feed on the maggots as well as the decaying flesh. They are then joined by parasitoid wasps that lay their eggs inside maggots and later, inside pupae. This is the immature life stage of insects.

Stage 4: Black Putrefaction (10-20 Days After Death)

The bloated body eventually collapses, leaving the body flat whose flesh has a creamy consistency. The smell is stronger and the exposed parts of the body are black. Other insects and mites begin to feed on the soil in which the body fluids have drained and seeped into the soil. Insects consume the bulk of the flesh. By this stage, several generations of maggots are present and are beginning to migrate from the body to the soil to bury themselves. Beetles lay their eggs in the corpse and their larvae then hatch out and feed on the decaying flesh. Parasitoid wasps lay their eggs inside maggots and pupae. If insects are excluded, bacteria will eventually consume the body.

Stage 5: Butyric Fermentation (20 - 50 Days After Death)

At this stage, the body has begun to dry out and the remaining flesh is removed. It now has a cheesy smell, caused by butyric acid which attracts new corpse organisms. As the body ferments, the ground becomes covered with mold. The reduction in soft food makes the body less palatable to the mouth hooks of the maggots and more suitable for beetles. Beetles feed on the ligaments and skin. The cheese fly consumes any remaining moist flesh.

Stage 6: Dry Decay (50 - 365 Days After Death)

The body is decaying very slowly and is dry now. Eventually, any remaining hair disappears leaving the bones only.

In summary, this is why it is better to avoid consuming animal flesh, but if you're going to consume it, then at least fast regularly. We've become accustomed to accepting smelly farts and rancid bowel movements when the truth of it is, it's not natural nor is it okay. You are what you eat and your gut has become a toxic cesspool full of parasites, bad bacteria, waste, toxins, and more. If you want to detox, join us on our monthly Iron Man Fast.


Morovic-Budak, A. 1965 Experiences in the process of putrefaction in corpses buried in earth. Medicine, Science and the Law. 5:40-43

Rodriguez, WC. and Bass, WM. (1985). Decomposition of buried bodies and methods that may aid in their location. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 30: 836-852.

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